The Surname Interests database is available for any financial member of the FHC to register as many as 50 surnames they are researching.
If you would like to add a Surname (available only to Members) then, in the main menu, choose "FHC Surnames | Your Surnames". If you have not previously logged in you will be asked for your credentials.
The information you supply will then be be added to this website.
If you add your surnames to the database, you may be contacted by another member who is interested in the
same surname. This is an automatic process using only email addresses, not personal names.
It is up to you to reply to the email or not.
Searching the list of Surnames is available to the General Public.
FHC Surnames Database
Searching for surnames can be done in a number of ways:
- Any letter from the alphabetical index can be chosen.
- SelectSurname option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the Surname search option.
- Select Country option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the Country search option.
- Select County/State option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the County/State search option.
- Select Membership Number option. Type your membership number in the 'Search for' box to see a list of your submissions. Help and information about Privacy are available through the links to the right of the Search area.
- Select Ships option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the Ships search option.
When viewing the Surnames you can instigate an email inquiry to the Member by selecting the icon next to the respective entry.